Polski Wyrob
(too old to reply)
Steve Cutchen
2005-05-26 02:48:39 UTC
When I was a kid, we'd buy wonderful Polski Wyrob pickles at our local
Kroger. I never see them anymore. What happened? Are they still
2005-05-26 13:47:26 UTC
Yeah, they were my favorites, also. They were crisp and delicious ice cold.
If I'm not mistaken, the label changed to *Del Dixie* Polska Wyrob and then
they disappeared forever. The Del Dixie Dills that come in a similarly
shaped jar wth a simple white label are the successors. They are the
closeset substitute, but somehow not quite as good. Less crisp maybe.

Post by Steve Cutchen
When I was a kid, we'd buy wonderful Polski Wyrob pickles at our local
Kroger. I never see them anymore. What happened? Are they still
2005-05-27 01:35:47 UTC
There used to be a place on Loch Katrine just west of Hwy-6 called European
Deli - they were a Polish grocery store. I'm sure they would have carried
what you're looking for. I went by there the other day and they've
closed....perhaps re-located? Maybe you can research the name or call their
old phone number or drive by to see if they left a note on the door.
Post by S***@PaleBlue.com
Yeah, they were my favorites, also. They were crisp and delicious ice cold.
If I'm not mistaken, the label changed to *Del Dixie* Polska Wyrob and
then they disappeared forever. The Del Dixie Dills that come in a
similarly shaped jar wth a simple white label are the successors. They are
the closeset substitute, but somehow not quite as good. Less crisp maybe.
Post by Steve Cutchen
When I was a kid, we'd buy wonderful Polski Wyrob pickles at our local
Kroger. I never see them anymore. What happened? Are they still